Feb 22, 2016

Turn It Off and On Again

In TSI, you come in knowing you can depend on us to solve your problems with your Chromebook, the school WiFi, and any question concerning IVC's local technology.  Most of the time we have kids come in to TSI with a problem connecting to WiFi, etc, we turn it off and on again, and they look pretty embarrassed when their device starts working.  If you think we're wizards with technology, you're wrong, though.
When you have a problem with your Chromebook or whatever you're having trouble with, just turn off and on the damn thing first. Enough said!  90% of what TSI is doing now just turning off and on your devices, and a trip out of class for a few TSI students to stare at you like you akwardly when your device powers on without a hitch probably isn't worth it.  A friendly word of advice, is to just try and turn it off and on again first.  So never forget to try your own fix if you have a software issue.  Never forgetti mom's spaghetti.

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